Why Conversations and Customer Relationships Matter

Why do we need to engage our customers in conversations?

How do these conversations build a business and increase revenue?

We sometimes get so focused on how to generate revenue that we forget that people buy products to solve problems in their lives. People. Business is about people. And such businesses have conversations with purpose to solve a problem. Revenue is one result of that. There are other results: engagement, loyalty, accountablity, brand. But without conversations, you can't start building a relationship with a customer to get to a sale. This Master Class set explains this further.

Why is content analysis included here? Conversations are a type of content. If you want to understand what's happening in your business, analyze the conversations and content (online and offline) in it. You'll learn more about what is being said, not said, and the impact of those messages compared with business results.

Why should we care about customer relationships? Our companies are building just that each day with customers through services, products, marketing, customer experience, and more. And the process can be complicated. This video outlines how thinking about the customer relationship first can help you build a better customer journey and customer experience, ultimately, increasing revenue.

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We love to talk about viral content and growth hacking, as if there are tricks to increase traffic and create a community. Viral content doesn’t happen “by accident” as one may assume. It occurs in strong communities where content and conversations emotionally connect with the readers.

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To me, content analysis is a research method that provides amazing communication insights about a company’s content (topics and delivery method) and how it communicates about itself.

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So when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of business relationships, I think there are many measurements that you can use to do this. By correlating those values and insights with revenue, you can learn a bunch about your customers regarding what they really want, the conversations they want to have, and the problems that they believe you solve.

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